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Le site du Conseil National pour la Résistance - Mouvement Umnyobiste (CNR - MUN)
Le site du Conseil National pour la Résistance - Mouvement Umnyobiste (CNR - MUN)
26 juillet 2009

Frank Biya, fils du dictateur Camerounais, a acquis des propriétés en France, à Monaco et en Suisse en pillant les forêts cam...


NGO accuses Biya's son of plundering Cameroon's rainforests

Paris, France (PANA) - A non-governmental organization (NGO) that fights hunger and corruption in the Third World has accused Franck Biya,the eldest son of Came r oon's President Paul Biya, of destroying rainforests in the country, owing huge s ums in taxes and corruption.

The chairwoman of "Survie" (Survive), Odile Tobner, said told PANA on Friday: "A s a businessman exploiting forest resources, Frank Biya still keeps plundering C a meroonian forests, taking advantage of his father's position as President. This, to our mind, is unacceptable.”

She said Biya also wanted to exploit rainforests in the Central African Republic in association with a son of the country's President François Bozizé but their a pplication for a logging permit in that country was turned down as it failed to m eet the legal requirements,

According to her, Biya owes hundreds of millions of CFA in tax to the Cameroonian government for his activities in the timber business.

“He owes large sums of money in tax as a result of his farming activities. He ha s never paid that money. We can prove that he has secured considerable assets in

France, Switzerland and in Monaco, by destroying Cameroon's rainforests,” the Su r vie Chairwoman said.
Paris - 25/07/2009
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"Survie" accuse Franck Biya de piller les forêts du Cameroun

Paris, France (PANA) La présidente de l'associati on "Survie", Odile Tobner, a accusé vendredi à Paris, Franck Biya, fils aîné du président Paul Biya, de détruire des milliers d'hectares de forêts camerounaises dans le cadre de ses activités de chef d'entreprise.

"En tant qu'exploitant forestier, Franck Biya continue aujourd'hui encore de détruire les forêts du Cameroun, profitant de la position de son père. Cela nous paraît inadmissible", a-t-elle déclaré à la PANA.

"Non content de provoquer la déforestation au Cameroun, Franck Biya voulait s'attaquer aux forêts de la Centrafrique en s'associant au fils du président Bozizé [chef de l'Etat centrafricain]. Mais, leur demande de permis d'exploitation a été rejetée pour défaut de conformité», a révélé la présidente de "Survie".

Selon elle, Franck Biya doit des centaines de millions de F Cfa au fisc camerounais au titre de ses activités d'exploitant forestier.

"Il doit des sommes considérables au fisc en tant qu'exploitant agricole. Il ne les a jamais versées. Nous avons la preuve qu'il a acquis des biens faramineux en France, en Suisse et à Monaco, en détruisant les forêts du Cameroun", a encore dit la présidente de "Survie" .
Paris - 24/07/2009
It does not make any sense that one person can destroy all the forests of Cameroon in timber exploitation business. Stop accusing Frank Biya Falsly. President Paul Biya being a serious man will not allow his son owe taxe money to the state, he did not bring up his son in such a poor manner as to let him have such behaviuors.
How can a single person exploit and destroy all the forests of Cameroon? How can it be said that Franck Biya is destroying all the forests of Cameroon? Even the huge sums he is said to owe in taxes, where are the proofs? It seems since Franck Biya is so quiet and keeps himself very far from the media, people want him to have himself noticed. It is his character to be quiet and don’t think you’ll ever say enough to have him talk. Unlike the sons of African presidents, he is very silent and not involved in politics, it seems that image is disturbing. Leave him peace and stop telling lies on him.
Le site du Conseil National pour la Résistance - Mouvement Umnyobiste (CNR - MUN)
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